It is both challenging and comforting to try and comprehend that God Loves us with an Indescribable Love! We don't earn it, win it, or deserve it, but He Loves us regardless of what we do or how we do it! Our relationship with God is a Love affair between God and each one of us! It is not a passive Love but a Passionate, Active Love! It is the foundation and essence of our Faith! God Loved us First, Creating us in His Image and Likeness! We are born from His Love! He Came to us: descended from Divinity to Humanity, to Save us from our that we could share in His Divinity for eternity! He NEVER Gives up on us and continues to pursue us... from the womb to our final breath! All we must do is Love Him back Passionately and Actively! Lose ALL Indifference and JUST LOVE! ❤️ Love and prayers!