Our God is WITH us and among us ...Loving us through His Passion and death on a Cross! Today is Good Friday-the most sobering and somber day of our liturgical year... the day we venerate the Cross-the instrument of torture and death for our Lord and Savior! The goal was to break His body and crush His Spirit- but His Will aligned With His Father's stayed the Course, and uttered not a word! May we walk with Him along the Via Delarosa supporting, encouraging and loving Him as He endures ALL for our sake and His Love for us! He does the same FOR us and WITH us as we endure our crosses each and every day! "We are co-redeemers of the world! And souls are Not Redeemed Without the Cross"! Whenever anything disagreeable or displeasing occurs to us, REMEMBER Christ Crucified and Be Silent! Just Look up and be GRATEFUL! Love and prayers! ✝️