God is Kind and Merciful- full of Compassion and Love! He wants our heart not just our actions! We should never be afraid to be open, honest and authentic with God! We are ALL sinners, broken and fallen, but God Loves us anyway! Never run away from God in our shame or guilt: ALWAYS run TO Him! He is running toward us with outstretched OPEN arms! Bring Him all of our brokenness for He brings Beauty from the ashes! What breaks this bondage of Satan...A decision to TRUST God and allow God to reveal His deep Love for each of us! He created us to bring us into True Happiness, the fulfillment of our purpose for existence! Happiness is our Union and Relationship WITH Him! "Our hearts will be restless until they REST in the Lord"! May God's Grace enlighten our hearts as we place ALL our Trust and Hope in Him! Just....Rest! Love and prayers! ✝️