What a glorious day we had here at the retreat center!! The amazing staff and friends of the center got together for mass and a processional blessing of the center. Father Nicholas led us through the hallways and to all four corners of the retreat center blessing the rooms, and the halls, the kitchen, all of it. Father Antonio, Father Cedric and Father Ronan were all there.
I was reminded of the power of prayer and the gift of the angels.
Saint Paul of the cross asked each of his retreat centers to have an image of Saint Michael and wow do we have a strong amazing one guarding our comings and goings. As we stopped our procession there for a prayer, I was once again taken with the beauty of that statue. Thankful for Saint Michaels watchful protection.
Today is a great day. A day to look forward to the new and upcoming retreat season starting next month, a day to celebrate with friends and coworkers, a day to thank the Lord for all the gifts He gives to us, especially the archangels!!
Many Blessings to each of you. We look forward to seeing you soon either at the gala next weekend or at a retreat in the near future.
Many Blessings,