Each one of us is deliberately and wonderfully created by God -unique and with purpose! God defines us-NOT the world or others! We have a tendency to forget this Truth and look to others for our worth and purpose! We must Stop searching around us and from others or social media to determine Who we are! Our focus must be on Who's we are and WHAT He has done for us! We must first SEE ourselves through God's eyes... knowing and confident we are eternally and unconditionally Loved- No matter what!! He See's us as we are-Authentic, Transparent and Truly ourselves! He looks into our hearts and understands our deepest thoughts! He knows our insecurities and fears.... Holds us Close-Comforting, Consoling and providing ALL that we need! The world does not and cannot define us...God has already done that- WE ARE HIS! Rest and Bask in THIS Truth AS his Love washes over us, through us and from us! Love and prayers! ✝️