Our Trust in God, eradicates worry and anxiety! It provides an internal Peace the world cannot take away! Good and lasting relationships are the Source from which Peace flows! We must first of all be at Peace with God by keeping our will in tune with the Will of our Heavenly Father! He gave us the gift of free will-a blessing when we use it to glorify and unite our wills to God! It can also be the source of our downfall, when we use it in opposition to God's Will for us! We choose the path of life we will follow: God's Way or self-way! If relationship with God is our Priority, if we desire to be with God for ALL eternity, then we will choose the Way of the Lord! God Wills our eternal Good! He gives us the freedom to will the same or something else! The gift of the will is by its nature Good! How we use it determines the outcome and the consequences! Choose well and the Peace of the Lord WILL be with us ALWAYS! Love and prayers! ✝️