Day by day we journey through the hills and valleys of this life. Staying close to and focused on our Lord Who is our Constant Companion keeps us stable and grounded! We are incapable of carrying the difficulties and trials of this life alone-but Our Lord Can and Will-even carrying us when necessary! We become overwhelmed and overburdened in this life; fearful, anxious and paralyzed! God tells us to "fear not", to "be not afraid", as He comforts, consoles and strengthens us! Satan is constantly and continually telling us we are unworthy, incapable and unforgivable! He uses our past sins to condemn us in the present! God convicts and converts us with His Love, Mercy and Forgiveness! "Saints are just sinners that fall down and Get Back UP"'! Get UP, Grab our Lord's outstretched Hand, confident, unburdened and unafraid as we Walk on-Hand in Hand! Love and prayers! ❤️✝️