Enroll your loved one, relative or friend who has died, for the living, the sick, in commemoration of a feast day; birthday, anniversary or other similar special occasion. Individuals will share in our Masses, prayers and ministry. Your donations help to support the Passionist ministry.
To order Mass cards, complete the online form, email, or call Julie Joy at (713) 464-0211, ext. 10. You can also stop by the retreat center during our regular business hours.
How to use the St. Paul of the Cross Prayer League
1. Complete the enrollment card and send it to the friend or family of the person enrolled. 2. Complete the enrollment from below; return it with an offering of $10.00 per person for the one-year enrollment (a "perpetual" enrollment is available from our office, a larger deluxe art folder, $35 suggested offering- contact our office). 3. The offering is sent when you use the card, checks payable to Holy Name Passionist Retreat Center. 4. Replacement cards will be sent if indicated; cards are available for sympathy, get-well, spiritual bouquet, birthday, etc. 5. The persons enrolled share in the Masses and prayers of the Passionist Community; offerings are used to promote the ministry of the Passionists.