We are each one of us "children of the light"! We are followers of Christ and In Him there us no darkness at ALL! He provides His Peace-Given and Left WITH us that nothing of this world can diminish or steal from us! The Peace from Christ comes from within and transforms us internally! From the beginning of our existence, God has given us our identity-we are His! This is a Given -a Grace from God! Listen to His Quiet, Peaceful voice, Resting, Relaxing permitting God to Love us as He infuses and permeates us with His Strength and Peace! Repeat over and over, "We are Beloved to God! He Loves us as His son or daughter! We will live in the light and not the darkness! We will turn our heart to God who has Saved us"! Say it, Believe it and LIVE it! Love and prayers! ✝️
The Grace of God is found in the Present moment! For in the Present Moment we can live differently from the past! Transformed as we learn and grow from our past mistakes and experiences! In the Present Moment we prepare to enter into the future! As we Rest lovingly in the Warmth and Comfort of God's Presence. Wrapped in His Loving arms He warms, nourishes and strengthens us! All He asks is for our time, attention and receptivity! We must keep walking forward in His Light, ensuring we "SEE" and cherish each step in the Present Moment...Not Looking behind or too far toward! "..Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself"! Live in the present as God blesses us with Peace and Renews our hearts with Compassion, Kindness and Humility....step by step! Love and prayers! ✝️The
Times of Prayer and Union WITH God are required as we navigate this life journey- our Heavenly Pilgrimage! We must ALWAYS keep our eyes fixed on Christ following in His footsteps! We can't ask God to guide our steps if we are not willing to MOVE our feet! We must make the choice one step at a time! There will be "Rocky" terrain at times-but friction creates traction! We are strengthened and challenged by these adversities! For..."in our weakness-He IS Strong"! Don't avoid these difficulties- we must embrace them, asking God for the Grace to Bear them Well! Embrace, Learn, Grow and MOVE: THROUGH Him, WITH Him and IN Him-ALL for His Glory and our Salvation! Love and prayers! ✝️❤️
Spending time in the Lord's Presence is not a luxury but a necessity! Often we think that we are too busy to pray because there are so many demands upon us...but we need His Spiritual nourishment to sustain us on our journey to our Heavenly Home! As we rest lovingly in the Sunshine of His Presence, He, like the sun, warms, nourishes, cheers and transforms us! All He asks is our time! Make the time and SPEND the time-"He who labors while he prays lifts his heart to God with his hands!" May our life be a prayer to God in ALL we say and do, today and every day! Love and prayers! ✝️
Our Hope is to See God and be Like God! If we don't have this Hope of seeing God face to Face one day and being WITH Him eternally, then what do we Hope for that is more lasting, greater and will NEVER disappoint? Seeing God one day in ALL His Glory IS the fulfillment of our Destiny for existence! This is the desire God has placed in our hearts..as we seek the TRUTH-which is Him! He is our final resting Place-our Home both now and for eternity! God makes us a place of His dwelling, sharing His Divine Life, so that we may make Him our eternal dwelling!! May we Make God our Home and He will make His Home ours! The Welcome Mat is out and the Light is On! Is ours? Love and Prayers!! ✝️
With every decision and choice we make ... we have the opportunity to bring ourselves closer to God or further away! Anything that we ask in His name, bringing Him into the equation, we recognize more readily our TOTAL Dependance on Him! Very plainly and directly Jesus tell us that "Apart from Him we can do NOTHING"! Jesus wants us to Come to Him first as we realize our Helplessness Without Him.... Fear Not -He IS WITH US! May Gods Presence Comfort and Console us as we Choose Christ each and every day! Love Him, Live For Him and Share Him! Love and Prayers! ✝️❤️
Our Lord Calls each one of us - to be His Hands and Feet in our world! "Actions speak louder than words; Let our words teach and our actions SPEAK!" This is our mission which God prepares and equips us for, mandating an acute sense of God as the absolute CENTER of our life! This requires that NOTHING is more important to us than God-that everything in our life centers around and is subordinate to our Love for God! Additionally, that we Honor God ABOVE everything else-worshiping Him ALONE! Thus mindset provides balance and proper perspective in our life! God must ALWAYS be at the top of our priority list as He Blesses us with the Riches of His Grace; the Treasures of His Love; the Comfort of His Mercies; the Strength of His Presence; and the Touch of His Care! "Wrap up" in His Loving arms and Receive ALL He has to Give!! Love and prayers! ✝️❤️
We are each wonderfully made in the image and likeness of God! He is within us...and is NEVER Separated from us! As we begin our day in prayer and dialogue WITH Him...Our attitude is one of Gratitude... ever Thankful for His Creating us, Saving us by His Grace and Preserving us through the night! As we focus on the Present we are able to learn from the past, but not allow ourselves to wallow in "what if's"...For we know that God is FOR us... so we have Nothing to fear! As we take each day, we savor it, relish it and avoid rushing through it! Each and every day is precious and a fresh start! May the Lord's Mercy make us feel like a "new" person, ready to face everything that comes our way with a Heavenly perspective! Put on our "God colored " glasses as we enjoy each moment... in His Love and Grace! Love and prayers! ✝️❤️
We must ALWAYS seek the Will of God- to be in Union with Him! Often we seek our own will and find that we are NOT satisfied. At other times we seek to do the will of someone else to receive acceptance or applause. Something remains missing within us. But when we begin to align our will with the Will of God, then something will begin to change within us as we are transformed internally! God's Presence Satisfies our Hunger for HIm that nothing of this world can fulfill. We are created for Him, as we continue on this Path we will find meaning and fulfillment in our Lives. The world has not changed - but we have, and how we respond to our circumstances changes. We are able to have an attitude of Gratitude regardless of what is going on around us as His Peace infuses and emanates from us! "The Will of God- THAT is our Paradise"! Trust, Surrender and Align! Love and Prayers! ❤️
God's Presence surrounds us internally and externally at ALL times! He is Constantly Restoring, Rejuvenating and Renewing our Heart, Mind and Soul in Faith, Hope and Love as Life swirls and whirls around us! He is our Stabilizer, Rudder and Anchor when the storms of life prevail. In His Presence, our life is Calm, Peaceful and Restful as we stay focused on Jesus, never taking our gaze from His! This inmost Peace settles our nerves, fills our minds, floods our spirit, and in the midst of the uproar around us, Gives us the Assurance that EVERYTHING is all Right! "To one who has Faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without Faith no explanation is possible"! Trust, Believe and Be Faith Filled! Love and prayers! ✝️❤️
When Jesus Calls us to Follow Him...He wants us on a "Full time" basis, not just when it's "convenient" for us! He wants our Whole Heart, Mind and Soul! Our part is to take it slowly....following in His footsteps one step at a time! He is leading and guiding us, we are NOT pulling Him along our own path! We must remember that this life: is His design that we are part of- He is not part of our design! On this pathway to Heaven -Jesus in both the Origin, the Pathway and the Destination! Embracing the Lord is embracing Hope-the Strength of our Faith that leads us forward, eradicating fear and giving us Courage! We may not know the way, but Jesus does, for He IS the Way!! If we simply Follow Him... Trusting that we may not know where it leads but are assured He DOES and He will NEVER lead us astray! Love and prayers! ✝️❤️
We are Continually and Constantly under the Protection and Watchful "Eye" of God! He Never Leaves, Abandons or Forsakes us! He provides the "Armor" that Protects us from the evil lures of satan -so long as we "suit up" each and every day! As we strive to live Close to Jesus in mind and heart we are channels of His Strength and Courage flowing from Him To us and Through us! We are infused with the power of the Holy Spirit, so that ALL our actions and attitudes reflect the Light and Strength of God's promise of Salvation to All the world! God alone is our Strength and our Protection! " Act today in such a Way that we need not blush tomorrow!" Put On the armor of God Today and every day, prepared for whatever challenges life throws at us! SUIT UP! Love and prayers! ✝️❤️
We must set our minds on things "above"... not getting ourselves bogged down on the swirling of life around us! When we keep our eyes on our Heavenly Home knowing we are sojourner's in this life -it allows us to keep everything in proper perspective! Surrendering and abandoning ourselves to Christ free's us from the bondage of this world and our own self! We are usually the biggest obstacle to being the precious child of God that He Created us to be! Paradoxically-it is only when we "lose" ourselves that we are able to "find" ourselves in the Love and Compassion of God! "Aspire not to have more, but to BE MORE!" May the Lord remind us that we are Covered by Forgiveness and Grace, Loved, Thought of Constantly, and Chosen to fulfill HIS Divine Purpose! We ARE His! Love and prayers!❤️
We are called to be "single hearted" in our journey to Follow Jesus! He must take precedence over everything else in our life! He is the Way, the Truth and the Life... without him we are adrift at sea, without a rudder, compass, sail or paddle! We are given "free Will" to make choices every single day.... are we heading closer in relationship to God or further away? When we ground ourselves in Christ we are able to stay balanced, objective, honest with ourselves and enlightened by His Wisdom! We must ALWAYS look to Him first BEFORE we react to a situation! "What would Jesus DO?" That single question is a wonderful moral compass to begin every action throughout our day! May we be grateful for the abundant gifts that God has brought into our lives: New day, Fresh Start! Make the Choice today, Choose Well....Choose Christ! Love and prayers! ✝️❤️
God created each one of us: He knows us inside and out and Loves us unconditionally and without contingencies attached! It is comforting to know that He is WITH us ALWAYS and there is nothing that will ever separate us from the Love of God! This gratuitous calling is Not without our own responsibility to respond and receive! We must choose to Love, to Follow and to Live our lives for His Honor and Glory! When we keep God as our focal point: at the top of our priority list, everything else follows and falls into it's appropriate place! We are able to unite our hearts with Christ to "see" the world with the "eyes of our heart"... led and motivated by Love! For.."God IS Love and he who abides in Love abides in God and God in him!" May God make us firm in Faith, steadfast in Love and unwavering in Hope, as we Trust in Him to brighten our days, give us strength and sustain us with His Grace! Love and prayers! ✝️
When we place ALL our Hopes in the Lord we are not only relying on Him we are Trusting Him unequivocally as He leads and guides us! Jesus is our Beacon on our journey through life. When fears and doubts, misunderstanding and restrictions darken our path, we can ALWAYS depend on Jesus, our Guiding Light! At times He will guide us gently, like the reflectors on a highway. At other times, like a low beam headlight to illumine our way. On other occasions it may be the high beam to provide a broader and more all encompassing perspective! Regardless as we Trust and Follow Jesus we will NEVER walk in darkness or alone! May God Strengthen us to Listen with the ear of our Heart, Trusting in Him, our Constant Companion on the journey! Love and prayers! ✝️❤️
Adversity will always be part of life in this world! Having God in our heart does not eliminate difficulties or problems.... but we are confident we are NEVER walking alone-He is ALWAYS Accompanying us through it ALL! Trusting and Depending on the Lord at ALL times are the necessary components that provides strength, courage perseverance and HOPE in the midst of turbulent times! It is up to us as to HOW we Respond to these hills and valleys! We must DIE to self.... our wants, our desires, our expectations, continually deferring to the Call and Will of God!!! Adopt a perspective of positivity, openness and receptivity....for..."God ALWAYS gives us what We want, because we WANT what God has to Give"!! How are we doing....Gods Plan or our plan? Love and prayers! ✝️❤️
When we open ourselves to God we are the recipients of ALL He has to offer-His Love, His Grace, His Wisdom and Courage! He is constantly and continually pouring His gifts and Blessings upon us! We for our part MUST respond by Loving God in return....as HE permeates and infuses In and Through us we become channels of His Love to the world around us! We are Called to be in the world WITHOUT being OF the world... To Be With Jesus, to Follow His lead, to submit ALL things to Him, and to See the circumstances of life through His eyes! The world in which we live does NOT determine or define us! We seek eternal life WITH God... therefore we let Nothing frighten us, nothing disturb us, for ALL things of this world ARE passing.... NOTHING remains but God! Peace WITH God brings the Peace of God- He ALONE is our Hope and our Salvation! Love and prayers! ✝️❤️
The Peace that Christ's Gives is Internal NOT external! It creates a transformation WITHIN that outside circumstances cannot affect!! Jesus left us His Peace and Presence- they go hand in hand as you can't have one without the other! When we encounter adversity and challenges- Stop and breathe in the Holy Spirit as He permeates our entire being, infusing us with a Peace the world cannot give and CANNOT take away! We have the CHOICE - to succumb to the darkness the world displays or to remain in His Peace and Light! Do not allow outside influences to alter our choice or overwhelm us when things go awry. Stay fixed on the Cross - Knowing we are NOT carrying it alone... the Peacemaker is WITH us! His Strength, His Way, His Peace! May God Bless us With the Peace of Christ that transcends ALL Time, Giving us Help FOR and IN ALL our needs! Love and prayers! ✝️❤️
Our journey through life is a constant "launch" into the unknown! This path us fraught with distractions, allurements, and enticements to detour us and our focus away from our Heavenly destination! We get so caught up in the journey that we loose sight of what this life is about- To Know, Love and Serve God... so we might share eternity WITH Him! This requires purpose, intention and attention to God's Presence- Staying connected to Him in the midst of our lives! We must put our Hope in the person that wants the BEST for us! What is the Greatest GOOD for each of us? To see God face to face for ALL Eternity! "Hope is based on the premise that God only gives what is Good. Hope includes an openness by which we wait for God's promise to come through, even though we never know where, when or how this might happen". Our life is a journey of Hope and Trust.... not in ourselves and what we can accomplish, but in God - and what He can accomplish THROUGH us! ....For In our weakness- He IS Strong! Love and prayers! ✝️❤️