Each and every morning is a fresh day, a chance to begin anew - that God provides to us as a Gift! Allowing us the opportunity to live each moment to the fullest, not regretting the past or worrying about the future! This requires our full and unequivocal TRUST in the God that created us! That we start our day WITH Him, End our day WITH Him and Live our day FOR Him - In Praise and Thanksgiving as He leads and guides us! We must defer to Him in everything as His Grace and Wisdom permeates our entire self! Then it is no longer "i" who live but Christ Who lives in us! We are His Hands, Feet and Reflection of His Light in our world that Needs God so desperately! May we Be His Receptive and Effective Instrument Today! A "pencil" in God's Creative Hand"! Love and prayers! ✝️