Sometimes in this life we are like a fish swimming upstream! Following our Lord and staying on the Path God has prepared for us... results in our going against the popular opinion! Our lifestyle may be countercultural as we go where God leads rather than the world! Jesus showed us the way: , in all humility, Loving others in everything He did, Serving rather than being served, Self Sacrifice and Self Abandonment, Never deviating from the Will of the Father! We are either FOR Him or against Him! There is no middle ground! Either we put our Faith and Trust in Him and His Word or we put it in something other! What are we choosing- God's Way or another? The consequences are not only risky.. they are ETERNAL! Like Joshua, proclaim without hesitation-"As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord!" Stay strong as we "swim" against the current! Love and prayers! ✝️