When we Begin each day in quiet reflection WITH the Lord it provides the "base" for the rest of our day! We are able to return to this peaceful place throughout during especially when we the day feels like it is "spinning" out of control! This is when we ask God for the strength and ability to quiet our thoughts, to eradicate worry and to TRUST in Him! We must lean on God and His resources -that are limitless, always available and exactly WHAT we need WHEN we need it! All we must do is "ask and we SHALL receive", "knock and the door SHALL be opened"... "seek and we SHALL find"! If God is For us who can be against us? May we know the fullness of God's Joy in our day, the closeness of His heart to our needs and the goodness of His Plan for our life! What are we waiting for...just ask, seek and find! Love and prayers! ✝️