With God by our side, we are Called to do everything for the Glory of God! Many times we promise God the heroic things we are going to do for Him, and it doesn't go as well as we would like! We must remember that the very Desire to Serve Him is His Gift to us! It Originates with Him-ALL He asks of us is to be OPEN to Receive this Gift of Desire as well as the further Grace of Strength and Perseverance necessary and needed to fulfill it! Our mission consists of three things: "praying heroically, working heroically, and suffering heroically" This is not the amount of "time" we spend in prayer, work or suffering, but the FOCUS of our prayer, work or suffering! It means doing ordinary things in an Extraordinary Way- by living our life in Union With Our Lord- walking Humbly by His side! May we be a "hero" for God Today! Love and prayers! ✝️