There is no limit to God's Love for each one of us! It is Constant and Unconditional! It continues to flow to us and through us, undeserved and regardless of our worthiness! We must take time as the Triduum of Easter begins to bask in and reflect upon the extravagant Love of our God! He so Loved us that He sent His Son, Who out of Love for us gave His life for us! We are Called to serve others, to SEE Gods Presence in ALL others! Tonight we will celebrate the Passover Supper, where we are Called to Serve as Jesus served, as He washed the feet of His disciples... humbly and meekly showing us the Way! Take time during these next few days to "Withdraw often into the depths of our being, and there with Living Faith rest on the breast of the Sacred Silence of Faith and Holy Love"!! Refresh, Rejuvenate , Restore and BE Grateful!!! Love and prayers! ✝️