Beginning our day attentive that God is in Control and we are NOT...( especially with light snow falling in Houston)! Provides an attitude of flexibility and openness to the various changes and "curve balls" life will throw at us! We must try not to hang on to OUR expectations too tightly, for they will become premeditated resentments! We must "Let Go and Let God"! "The Greatest honor God can bestow upon a soul is not to give it great things, but to ask of it GREAT things"! The great things God asks of us is total Surrender to His Will! Seeking to do His Will rather than our own! May the Lord Bless the work of our hands today...May we be TRUE expressions of His Love, Mercy and Joy...May we be reflections of His Light shining from us and through us to ALL we meet! His Way, His Will, His Plan... NOT ours! Love and prayers! ✝️❤️