Gratitude flows from Trusting God in ALL things! When circumstances do not go our way or in accordance with our expectations-Trust and Be Grateful! When difficulties and sorrows come-Trust and be Grateful! "Gratitude is the most fruitful way of deepening our consciousness that we are NOT an 'accident' but a Divine Choice!" We must be aware of opportunities that we have to be grateful and have not used them! We have a tendency to take for granted the many blessings and gifts from God that occur throughout our day! These come in a gentle smile from a stranger, a beautiful sunrise, a song of a bird, courteous drivers, every breath we take, a gesture of affection, and the list goes on and on! Don't go through the day on "auto-pilot", be attentive, be aware, be purposeful and be Grateful! Every time we decide to be Grateful it is easier to see things to be Grateful for! Gratitude begets Gratitude, just as Love begets Love! Love and prayers! ✝️