Every day we are faced with Challenges, Temptations, Difficulties and Trials! Our goal is to NEVER take our sights off the Lord! The virtues necessary to maintain our focus are: Courage, Patience, Perseverance, and Gratitude! Courage enables us to face the challenges and not run from them ! Patience allows us to be accepting of suffering, enduring it in Trust and Confidence in the Lord! Perseverance provides the ability to "stay the course" not counting the "successes", but our faithfulness in the Lord! Gratitude keeps us looking up and outward, not within -having a "pity party" or feeling sorry for ourselves! We are Called to ILLUMINATE, rather than shine, to be God's effective Instrument rather than the worlds! Love leads us, inspires us and motivates us! Lead with God's Love and everything else WILL Follow! Love and prayers! ✝️