God's Love is Constant and Continual... it does not ebb and flow with the circumstances of our life! God is Love and Love is God! We can't have One without the other! God does not fall in and out of Love... because He is Love! His Love for us comes first! He Chose us FIRST and Loved us before we were EVEN capable of loving Him in return! We now respond to His Love in an answering way by HOW we live our life! We participate in Gods Love by being obedient to His Commands and following His Will and Way for us! We inure to the benefit of His Love as we Live in His Love...Jesus tells us "that we might have Joy, that His Joy may be in us and our Joy may be complete"! Jn15:11.May we Love today Whosoever and Whatsoever the Lord Loves as we Joyfully Live immersed In His Love! Love and prayers!