God is God and we are NOT! His Ways are NOT our ways! We must Never measure God's Unlimited Power by our limited expectations! When Jesus Rose from the Dead the Apostles were bewildered and confused... they were paralyzed in their grief, fear and myopic expectations.... until He appeared to them and then their eyes were OPENED! Everything He had said they remembered as His Light illuminated the darkness that shrouded and isolated them! They allowed their Faith and Trust to overshadow and eradicate their fear! The incomprehensible Love of God for us, was then made manifest in the Cross of Christ... no longer an instrument of torture but the "tree of LIFE"! May the Love of God give us a new heart and a new spirit as His Peace infuses and inspires us to persevere in our resolve to Love more intently! He is ALIVE! Alleluia! Love and prayers! ✝️