We must always remind ourselves that what others see or think of us does not reflect our true identity or worth! The world does not define us! It is not about what we have done or who we are... It IS about Who's we are and What He has done for us! We are who we are in the eyes of God, He defines us! When our Trust is placed in the Lord -His Joy is in us and our Joy is COMPLETE! The Joy of the Lord comes from WITHIN! It is not conditioned or reliant upon what is going on around us! We must continually turn our eyes from the world, from the "false" self and gaze into the eyes of the One Who Loves us! His Love is Unconditional, His Promises are infallible and the Good Things He has Planned for us are Unstoppable! We are HIS..Let Joy Abound! Love and prayers! ✝️