God speaks to us in the silence of our hearts! To grow in relationship and friendship with our Lord we must make the time and SPEND the time listening to His Word! He speaks to us in the depths of our conscience, He speaks to us through Sacred Scripture, He speaks to us in Prayer! As we learn to Stay WITH Him in Silence, reading and meditating on His Word, Conversing With Him throughout our day, we are able to feel His Presence and Love no matter what we are going through! He is the Way, the Truth and the Life... without the Way- there is no Going, without the Truth there is no Knowing, without the Life there is no Living! God provides ALL that we NEED! Stay WITH Him throughout the day...for He NEVER leaves us or loses Sight of us... we are the ones who lose sight of Him! Be Aware, Attentive as we Collaborate Calmly and Purposefully With Him, our Constant Companion on the Way! Love and prayers! ✝️