We so often try and find our happiness and fulfillment by chasing after what the world advertises: money, success, power, fountain of youth, material possessions....ideals and aspirations that will never satisfy! It is like a monkey on our back that continually needs to be fed! We become disillusioned in pursuing so many mundane ambitions! "Only in God is our soul at rest, from Him comes our Salvation"! Ps62:2. We must adopt an attitude of humility-not feeding our own ego, but humbling ourselves to allow God to guide, fulfill and consume us! We are not in our own ego drama,,, we are part of Gods Plan -He is NOT part of our plan! Our world must revolve around God, not ourselves! "Our hearts are restless, UNTIL they rest in the Lord"! Surrender, Receive and REST! Love and prayers! ❤️✝️