If God is FOR us who can be against us?! This is a promise of LOVE, Trust and Confidence that must be ingrained and reconfirmed in our hearts each and every day! We are NOT in control but we are LOVED by the One Who Is! As we develop our relationship WITH Jesus we share everything WITH Him, our hopes and ambitions, our faults and failures, knowing that He not only accepts us as we are, but Loves us so much not to leave us where we are! "The earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal!" He continues to Lead and Guide us, deepening our intimacy as we Grow: To Him, With Him and In Him, as we decrease and He INCREASES! He is our Anchor, our Stabilizer and our Adhesive that not only binds us together but keeps us in our seat on this roller coaster of life! May we ALWAYS Fix our eyes on the Lord, Staying Close to Him as the fear, darkness and anxiety of this life fade in His calming Presence! Love and prayers!❤️