We must ALWAYS seek the Will of God- to be in Union with Him! Often we seek our own will and find that we are NOT satisfied. At other times we seek to do the will of someone else to receive acceptance or applause. Something remains missing within us. But when we begin to align our will with the Will of God, then something will begin to change within us as we are transformed internally! God's Presence Satisfies our Hunger for HIm that nothing of this world can fulfill. We are created for Him, as we continue on this Path we will find meaning and fulfillment in our Lives. The world has not changed - but we have, and how we respond to our circumstances changes. We are able to have an attitude of Gratitude regardless of what is going on around us as His Peace infuses and emanates from us! "The Will of God- THAT is our Paradise"! Trust, Surrender and Align! Love and Prayers! ❤️