God is ALL Merciful, ALL Forgiving and ALL Loving! He is Continually Calling us to be transformed internally as Children of the Light! We have All been Chosen by God and sent to follow in the footsteps of His Son Jesus Christ! We are Called to Serve, not to be served, to Walk in Humility and meekness, not arrogance and pride! To be Faithful to Christ and His Mission in this world! How many times have we betrayed Christ in our day to day lives? This is the opportunity to pause and reflect on the path we are on...toward God or going our own way? Christ showed us HOW to overcome evil by doing GOOD, by Choosing to Love! He provides the strength-our response is to selflessly GET out of His way! As we enter into the Triduum, let us all Remember the Loving Mercy Christ offers, and unlike Judas Repent and Believe in the Gospel! His Love is waiting! Love and prayers! ✝️