Each one of us has been Chosen and Called by God! This Call is ultimately Gods self-offer to us, seeking our response by our self-offer to Him! This requires a discipline of living our life in self-offering, self-forgetting Love to God Who Loved us First! This Call will de-center our ego if we embrace it with a Pure Heart and Desire! It is a matter of being WITH and For others in our Community Of Faith.. seeking the Good for the other, for the sake of the other! Love requires reciprocity and mutual respect as we defer our Will and Wants to God's Will and His Desires! "Remember that when we leave this earth, we can take with us nothing that we have received, but only what we have given; a full heart, enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice, and courage"! May we Prepare Well, Give Well and take much with us! Love and prayers! ✝️