Our journey through life is a constant "launch" into the unknown! This path us fraught with distractions, allurements, and enticements to detour us and our focus away from our Heavenly destination! We get so caught up in the journey that we loose sight of what this life is about- To Know, Love and Serve God... so we might share eternity WITH Him! This requires purpose, intention and attention to God's Presence- Staying connected to Him in the midst of our lives! We must put our Hope in the person that wants the BEST for us! What is the Greatest GOOD for each of us? To see God face to face for ALL Eternity! "Hope is based on the premise that God only gives what is Good. Hope includes an openness by which we wait for God's promise to come through, even though we never know where, when or how this might happen". Our life is a journey of Hope and Trust.... not in ourselves and what we can accomplish, but in God - and what He can accomplish THROUGH us! ....For In our weakness- He IS Strong! Love and prayers! ✝️❤️