We must always be attentive to keeping God at the Top of our Priority list!! We must Love God with our entire being: heart, mind, soul and strength! When we do this everything and everyone else falls into the proper perspective! When we imitate God in His Divine image we are Loving as He Loves, not conditionally, or for what we will "Get out" of it... but to Will the Good of the Other for the sake of the other! This requires selflessness, self abandonment and self forgetting love! We are not the center of our universe-God IS! God is Love, God is Joy, God is Peace! "Our Joy is Peace, Peace that is deeply rooted, Peace in the Heart, the Peace that only God can Give"! It is the Joy of the Lord within us that bears the fruit of Joy! Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS, say it again REJOICE! Happy Father's Day to all Fathers, especially God OUR Heavenly Father! Love and prayers! ✝️