When Jesus Calls us to Follow Him...He wants us on a "Full time" basis, not just when it's "convenient" for us! He wants our Whole Heart, Mind and Soul! Our part is to take it slowly....following in His footsteps one step at a time! He is leading and guiding us, we are NOT pulling Him along our own path! We must remember that this life: is His design that we are part of- He is not part of our design! On this pathway to Heaven -Jesus in both the Origin, the Pathway and the Destination! Embracing the Lord is embracing Hope-the Strength of our Faith that leads us forward, eradicating fear and giving us Courage! We may not know the way, but Jesus does, for He IS the Way!! If we simply Follow Him... Trusting that we may not know where it leads but are assured He DOES and He will NEVER lead us astray! Love and prayers! ✝️❤️