God is ALWAYS with us, continually guiding and leading us! He will open our eyes to the beauty of each day if we only take the time to "SEE" and to Appreciate the goodness that surrounds us! He helps us to understand our true destiny in this life-Seeking to Glorify God on earth as our First Responsibility and the Surest means of reaching our true greatness in eternity! We walk by Faith and not by Sight! Faith in God's Unconditional, Uncontestable Love for us. Faith in His Desire and Ability to Give us a share in His Kingdom. Faith that one day we will See Him as fully as He sees us! It is not based on how much we know, but How Much we TRUST our Heavenly Father! May God Bless us in the inexpressible comfort of His Love and Peace as we place ALL our Trust in Him! Love and prayers! ✝️